شروط وأحكام الاستخدام

Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully as they contain important Information about your rights and obligations when using capitolestate.com ("this site"). 
Your attention is drawn in particular to clause 5 (warranty) and clause 6 (liability).

1. Introduction

2. Intellectual Property

The copyright and all other intellectual property rights in this Site (including all trade marks, service marks, trading names, text, graphics, code, files and links) belong to us or our licensor(s). You may download material from this Site for the sole purpose of using this Site. However, you must not copy, transmit, modify, republish, store (in whole or in part), frame, pass-off or link to any material or information on or downloaded from this Site without our prior written consent.

3. Your Obligations and Conduct

You accept that you are solely responsible for ensuring that your computer system meets all relevant technical specification necessary to use this Site and that your computer system is compatible with this Site.

4. Barring from the Site

We reserve the right to bar users from this Site, on a permanent or temporary basis at our sole discretion. Any such user shall be notified and must not then attempt to use this Site under any other name or through any other user.

5. Warranty

Whilst we endeavour to ensure that any material available for downloading from this Site is not contaminated in any way, we do not warrant that such material will be free from infection, viruses and/or similar code.

6. Liability

Nothing in these Terms will be deemed to exclude our liability to you for death or personal injury arising from our negligence, or for fraudulent misrepresentation.

A. any indirect, consequential, special or punitive loss, damage, costs and expenses 
B. loss of profit 
C. loss of business 
D. loss of reputation 
E. depletion of goodwill or loss of, damage to or corruption of data

7. Legal Jurisdiction

Turkish law shall apply to these Terms. You irrevocably agree that the courts of Turkey will have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute which may arise out of, under, or in connection with these Terms and for those purposes irrevocably submit all disputes to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Turkish courts.

8. Notices

All notices shall be given:

9. Viewing Trips

   - 9.1 General

Viewing Trips are business trips organized by Capitol Estate, with the consent of the Client, in order to offer to the Client the opportunity to come to Turkey and have a personal look to the properties of interest and includes the following services ONLY for the Alanya and Antalya regions;


   - 9.2 Costs

While viewing trips are offered at no charge to the Client, Capitol Estate keeps the right to charge for the flight tickets if and when the Client chose not to proceed with the purchase of a property at the end of a viewing trip. Capitol Estate also keeps the right to charge the Client for the full cost of the viewing trip (plus penalties if and when necessary), if and when it is clear that the Client has no serious intention to buy a property. If and when the Client chose to have Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner and or excursions unassisted by a Capitol Estate representative, the Client accepts to pay for its costs, unless mentioned otherwise by Capitol Estate.

   - 9.3 Insurance

While Capitol Estate makes all necessary arrangements to assure a safe viewing trip for the Client, Capitol Estate can NOT be held responsible for any loss and/or damages of personal goods that may occur during a viewing trip. It is strongly advise for all Clients to held a full insurance coverage, including international damages.

10. Customer Feedback

We operate a system to ensure that all customer feedback is dealt with fairly and consistently, and is properly recorded. We welcome any suggestions that you make about how we may improve our service. Please write to us at Customer Services, Mahmutlar Kasabasi,Cumhuriyet Mahallesi, Barbaros Caddesi, Is Bankasi Karsisi,Alanya-TURKEY , or e-mail us. Our aim is to acknowledge all customer feedback, however, this cannot be guaranteed.

11. General

We may from to time to time change the content of this Site or suspend or discontinue any aspect of this Site, which may include your access to it. Subject to our notifying you to the contrary, any amendments or new content to this Site will be subject to these Terms.

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إنشاء حساب مجاني الآن

واحفظ الصفحة<والانضمام الى أكثر من 14،000 من المستخدمين

5 أسباب لإنشاء حساب مجاني

عقاراتي المفضله أحفظ العقارات التي تنال اعجابك في ما بينما تتصفح محرك البحث

كن أول من يعلماختر المعايير التي تبحث عنها لتكون أول من يعلم عن العقارات فور اصدارها.

جوله المشاهجه المجانيهالأعضاء المسجلين لديهم الحق بالحصول على حوله مجانيه لمشاهد لمواقع في تركبا

حفظ الصفحهضع كل العقارات التي تنال اعجابك والمقالات في مكان واحد لزيارتهم في أي وقت تشاء .

المعلومات الخاصهكن أول من يعلم عن الخصومات والعروض المتاحه

البحث عن العقارات في تركيا تصنيفا للموقع
اكتشف أكثر المواقع التي بعنا بها :